Good Evening Everyone
Thanks for a wonderful first day. It was so nice to meet so many of you and it was successful day for all staff and students at ARYES. As we reflect on our day we would like to make a few suggestions in regards to drop off and pick up that we hope will help both with the speed of transitions and the health and safety of all.
– We continue to encourage walking if you can as it seemed to reduce some of the traffic flow.
– As we will be starting in the playing field tomorrow for all grades, we would like to remind parents/guardians of the importance of not hanging around the playing areas / front parking lot after drop off to help reduce traffic, and to avoid large gatherings. We will have supervision in place to greet and monitor students. Please realize we would love to include everyone as we build this community, but at the present time, reducing the number of people in the area is our top priority. As we are following our District/School safety plans staff may remind you of these policies. It is solely in the best interest of our school communities health and safety.
– After school pick up will be similar tomorrow with a couple adaptations made. Some classes have decided to alter their exits for better flow but will continue to meet in the same marked areas designated in the front by traffic cones. Please feel free to meet your child away from the front of the school if they are walking as this will also help reduce traffic. We will also stress the importance to all students of using the crosswalk when exiting to keep everyone safe. It was great to see so many today respecting the social distancing procedures. Thank you for helping in these unique times.
Thank you so much for your help as we work to improve our procedures. We realize the first day is always the busiest and most exciting and that as we get into a routine this will improve and be more efficient. We look forward to a time when all will be able to be welcomed freely into the building as we continue this journey as a school community.
Finally, we are excited to announce that our SWAG orders are now once again open. Please check out the following link as there are a couple of new items added on. Orders are due Sunday September 20th 2020. Orders should then arrive by mid October.