Here are a few updates and some upcoming events at ARYES as we head into the final week before the break.
– Holiday Event
We are excited to announce that we will be sharing a holiday event with the community on Thursday December 17th 2020. Our classes have been planning and rehearsing performances. We will be recording the concert and sending it out to families that evening at 6pm for all to enjoy. The PAC will also be running an event that night with Papa John’s Pizza. For every order made on Thursday December 17th, a portion of the proceeds will go to our PAC. Pizza & entertainment, what could be better?
– School Exposure Letters from Northern Health
As we received notification yesterday of an exposure at ARYES and passed along a letter from Northern Health, we wanted to follow up with some more information to hopefully answer some questions you may have. We have also included a link to the school exposure website and information.
Northern Health updates this list with the notification information of possible exposures to COVID-19 within schools in the NH region. They are providing this information so school staff, students and parents can be assured that Public Health is following up in their community and exposure risks are being mitigated to the best of our ability.
COVID-19 school notification process:
If a student or teacher receives a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result, Public Health follows a rigorous protocol:
- Contact tracing is initiated to determine how the individual was infected and who they were in close contact with.
- They identify and notify close contacts who may be at an increased risk, and advise them to self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days.
- Only Public Health can determine who is a close contact. Learning groups, friends or other connections may not be determined to be a close contact.
- Public Health staff works closely with the school and school district throughout the case and contact management process to maintain close communication with the school community.
If your child’s school receives a notification of exposure:
A notification does not mean your child has been exposed to COVID-19.
If you do not receive a phone call or letter from Public Health, your child should continue to attend school. You can monitor your child for COVID-19 symptoms daily using the BC COVID-19 Health Assessment Tool.
– “WE ROCK” t-shirt slogan contest
As we continue to look at ways of promoting our school acronym and celebrate positive common language at ARYES we wanted to create a slogan that we can put on pink shirts. The ARYES PAC has secured sponsors to donate shirts for all of our students and now we are looking for a slogan/logo to put on it. Students and families can design a t-shirt slogan to be printed on to pink shirts and worn throughout the remainder of the year. One design will be chosen to put on a t-shirt. The slogan and picture need to relate to WE ROCK and promote positive interactions between students (being a good friend, inclusion, leadership, responsible and respectful behaviour). The creation cannot be larger than 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. The design may contain colour and the image and slogan must be clear and understandable. Submissions are due with the students first and last name, teacher name on the back of the paper no later than lunch time on Tuesday, December 15th, 2020. Designs can be submitted directly to the office or by email
W Welcoming
E Empathetic
R Respectful
O Open Minded
C Cooperative
K Kind
– School Spirit Day
– Communication Channels
A reminder that our communication channels include:
– ARYES Website –
– Facebook – Anne Roberts Young School
– Email –
– You can also stay updated through SD60’s primary channel, , social media via and
– Collected updates and resources about COVID-19 are available at